Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms and they are only visible under the microscope. They have different sizes and shapes. The shapes of the bacteria look like balls, rods, cylinder, spirals shape like a DNA and many more. The size of the bacteria is not visible to the naked eye and you have to imagine its size as 1000 bacteria can fit under the pencil eraser and some are even smaller than this perception. In the list of the bacterias not all of them bad for health. Some of the bacterias are responsible for the promotion of healthy well being of the human body. They are responsible for the proper digestion of food and many are performing the function of protection from foreign harmful virus and bacteria.
The Bactria which has infectious properties often make the person ill and that is very harmful to the health issues of the human body. The chemical that the bacterias releases in the body in toxins that act as a poison for the cells and tissues. As soon as the bacteria attacks some part of the tissue, it is severely damaged and as a result, you will feel sick.

In general, the bacterial infections are treated from the use of antibiotics which is must to be taken in a proper and strict direction prescribed by the doctor. Overdosing of bacteria is very harmful and the bacterias present in the body often end up learning the way of resisting the presence of antibiotics In the bloodstream. If this happens, the antibiotics would start to become useless for you and you won't be able to cure yourself with the use of that medicine.
Structure of a bacteria
The general cell structure of a bacterium lacks a properly organized nucleus along with many organelles, however, it has a properly defined cell wall.
Roles of bacteria
They play a significant role in the processes of fermentation and decomposition. Many bacteria are deadly for humans as they can cause infections, severe illnesses, and incurable diseases. Some are very useful for the healthy well being of the body. It can be in the form of digestion solutions and much more.
Types of bacteria
There are generally four common types of bacteria which are found in every space. These include Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Micrococcus, and Staphylococcus. Some major types of bacteria which are the causes of diseases include:
E.coli is a rod-shaped bacterium which is found in the lower intestine of mammals and other warm-blooded organisms. It comes of the genus Escherichia. There are many forms of E.coli bacteria and they produce many forms of diseases such as E.coli infection which come with a wide range of illnesses and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, cramps, dehydration, loss of appetite and diarrhea.
Salmonella is a genus which further has two lower classifications each consisting of hundreds of serotypes. Salmonella is present in the intestinal tracts of living organisms. In some cases, salmonella can be deadly if it spreads from intestines to other body organs via blood. It must be promptly treated. Symptoms of salmonella include cramps, headache, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and aches. It can affect humans as well as animals.
Listeria is a result of a bacteria named Listeria monocytogenes. It happens if effected food is consumed. It is deadly for new-born babies and pregnant women. People with the weak immune system are no exception.
- High fever
- Muscle pain
- Flu
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Listeria is easily curable and preventive.
Norovirus is a common virus but very severe and in this person feel excessively weak. It is also known as stomach flu and the patient will start to vomit and feel excessively diarrhea. If a person Is having a norovirus he will start to shed a lot of cells that will be in billions and all the cells will be made up of norovirus.
Infections caused by bacteria.
Pneumonia is the infection of the lungs. Where the lungs are high inflamed and the sacs got the infection. In result there is the excess presence of phlegm or pus in the lungs sacs, heavy coughing with high difficulty of breathing, patients also start to feel chills and shiver a lot due to cold. This is caused by the presence of strong bacterias in the body and requires heavy dosage for the treatment of this bacteria.
Double Pneumonia
If it infects both lungs it is known as double pneumonia. It is a severe case and very difficult to be treated. It can be fatal in case untreated.
It is caused by a virus Streptococcus pneumonia.
A person with pneumonia has a high fever followed by cough, skin color gets dusky or yellowish due to poor oxygenation of blood.
It can be treated by vaccines that end up the spread of S.pneumonia.
Eye infections
There are many types of eye infections. Here we will discuss two of them.
It is caused by elongation of the eyeball. Most it can be observed in those who have the issue of short sightlessness. They need to get themselves checked whether it is due to bacteria or something else is causing this issue.
A person with Myopia is unable to see far away objects.
Image formation
The image of the distant object is formed affront retina.
It can be treated by a convex lens which can bring light rays to a focus
Food poisoning
Food poisoning is a foodborne illness caused by consuming contaminated or toxic food. It is often caused when the person consumes unhygienic foodstuff.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
Gastritis and ulcers
Both gastritis and ulcers are caused by the same bacteria. These are sore In the stomach lining which is very painful. It can extend towards the small intestines and cause a lot of trouble. It will create difficulty in food digestion as well as the patient will feel intense pain from eating or drinking anything because the stomach will be very sensitive.
- Dull or sharp pain inside the stomach
- Vomiting soon after eating anything
- Bloated stomach
- You feel easily full soon after eating anything
- Heartburn will be there all the time because of the stomach reflexes.
Strep Throat
In strep throat the one who got it will start to have a sore throat which will be a result of bacterial infection. The throat will be extremely sore and itchy and you will also feel to scratch it to get rid of an unpleasant feeling. This is more than a sore throat and in case you are not treating it, you might start to develop another risk of kidney inflammation or blockage of heart valves or severe rashes.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Rashes
- Headache
- Difficult in swallowing
- Red and patchy tonsils

In tuberculosis, the person will have a severe cough which will be due to the presence of bacteria in the lungs. When the bacteria is not cured and it gets more and more severe the person ends up having tuberculosis. This is known to be contagious which mean the bacteria is so strong that it can be transferred from one person to another just from breathing into the air. The air carries the bacteria in it and the person can get easily affected by the disease. This is a fatal disease and it is very important to cure it on time.
- The patient's cough will be there from 3 months
- Severe pain in the chest from coughing
- Too much mucus inside in the lungs and coughing will start to spill blood out
- Excessive weight loss
- High fever
- Chills and sweating at night
- Loss of appetite with extreme weakness and fatigue
Upper respiratory tract infection
This is also known as respiratory distress syndromes and it is linked to the upper respiratory tract. The patient will start to have the difficulty in breathing and it will be chronic once not cured. In this, the upper airways will start to get infected and blocked with the coughing. The patient won't have any symptoms of pneumonia but the coughing symptoms will be a lot similar to that. The patient can also develop more infection in the nose and sinuses part. The larynx and pharynx and other large airways will also get infected from the upper respiratory tract infection.
- The patient will have a cough and sore throat
- Too much headache with mild fever
- Sneezing and pressure on facial
- Runny nose and nasal blockage with congestion
Bacterial meningitis
It is a very complicated type of Bactria that directly affects the brain. In this, the virus forms a membrane around the brain and often on the spinal cord as well and it starts to get chronic once it is left untreated. If anyone is having this issue or symptoms are appearing it is must to visit the doctor immediately. This disease can be fatal and the brain cells start to swell up which can result in the paralysis or stroke.
- Seizures
- Stiffness in the neck and back
- Difficulty in understanding something and excessive irritability, drowsiness.
- vomiting and extreme fatigue
You cant eliminate the presence of bacteria from your surrounding but there are many ways that you can minimize the side effect of bacterias or prevent your self from invading your bodies and harming you. There are simple tricks and tactics that everyone can follow at their homes or offices or school or where ever they are and save themselves from horrible diseases. In a general view, start from washing your hands regularly, stay very careful with the selection of your food and eat hygienic foodstuff as much as possible. Next, as a precautionary, you can go for the vaccination and consuming medications for the ultimate cure. In details, you can follow up the techniques below and save yourself from the harm.
Washing your hands properly
Washing your hands properly is very important it can save you from many risks for getting sick and it simply wash off the bacterias all at once. People who wash their hands on time have fewer risks of getting sick as compared to those who don't wash their hands very often. Keep in mind that before eating or before preparing some foodstuff to wash your hand thoroughly with some antibacterial soap. If you have sneezed or coughed or changed a diaper or you have used the toilet make sure to properly wash your hands. These are the times when bacteria and most present on your hands and they easily transfer to others when they meet you or even near to you.
Getting vaccination on time to minimize the harm
Vaccinations are used to enhance your defense system. Vaccines come in the different form mostly they are in the form of injection. When the vaccines enter the body the wall or the shield is created which creates are a barrier from the bacterias entering the body. There are many types of vaccines that are used to save the body from the attack for bacterias. There are some common types of vaccines which are used to save you from the deadly diseases known as tetanus or influenza.
Proper medication for avoiding the risk of sickness
There are some types of medications which are used to provide short term prevention against viruses and bacterias. These are also known as anti-parasitic medications which are used for the problem of malaria. In some cases when people are traveling some other location they are often instructed to get the vaccines so they are protected from the virus and bacterias.
Final Verdict and conclusion of Infections caused by bacteria
All of the information mentioned above is from extensive research but it is not provided by a professional. In case of any symptoms refer to the doctor immediately. Don't let the symptoms get severe because of ignorance. It is important for patients to take their medication on proper time to avoid the symptoms of bacterial infection in the body.